Robin Coloring Pages

This is a great game to teach kids a few fun facts about robins. First, take all of the children outside. Explain to them how robins make round nests in the trees. Then, tell them to gather materials and build their own nest as a robin would. Once the children finish this task, tell them [...]

Raven Coloring Pages

This is a fun activity for kids to get up and move around and also learn about ravens. First, show all of the children pictures of ravens so they know what one looks like. Then, give them all a sheet of white construction paper and markers. Ask them to draw their own raven. Also, give [...]

Osmoderma Coloring Pages

This activity is a great way to let kids be creative while they learn about osmodermas, or hermit beetles. First, collect enough empty toilet paper rolls for each child to have his or her own. Then, give all of the children a roll, dark brown, glossy paper, scissors, and a pen. Show them pictures of [...]

Axolotl Coloring Pages

This game is a fun way for kids to learn about axolotls. First, on a large sheet of paper, draw a maze. Draw fun facts throughout the maze from start to finish. For example, draw predators and write, “Lost a leg. Wait two weeks for it to grow back.” Or another area could say, “Hungry. [...]

Quokka Coloring Pages

This game is a fun way for kids to learn about quokkas. First, on a large sheet of paper, draw a maze. Draw fun facts throughout the maze from start to finish. For example, at the beginning, write “It’s nighttime. Go out and find food.” Then draw leaves and grass nearby. Or another area could [...]

Oyster Coloring Pages

This is a great activity to get kids involved in a hands on experiment about oysters. First, collect enough coffee filters for each child to have his or her own. Then, fill cups with water and sprinkle some confetti in the cups. Give each child a cup of water, a coffee filter, and an empty [...]

Narwhal Coloring Pages

This activity gets kids interacting with one another while learning and teaching each other about narwhals. First, divide all of the children into small groups. Explain to the children how narwhals like to live in groups called pods. Then, on index cards, write information about the narwhal that the kid should create. Write a length [...]

Kaka Coloring Pages

This is a great hands on activity that is fun for children and will teach them a few fun facts about kakas. First, give each child a black and white map of the world. Help them to find where New Zealand is, and give each child a marker to color it in. Explain how kakas [...]

Merlin Coloring Pages

This is a great activity to entertain kids with a fun craft while also teaching them a little bit about merlins. To make a merlin egg, first, collect enough egg shaped styrofoam pieces for each child to have his or her own. Then, give each child an egg shaped piece of styrofoam, a paintbrush, and [...]

Dodo Coloring Pages

This activity is a great way to teach kids a few facts about dodo birds. First, give each child his or her own pencil and a white sheet of construction paper. Then, show all of the children, step-by-step, how to draw a dodo bird. Start with the body and the neck, then the head, and [...]