Black Bear Coloring Pages

Below you will find Black Bear Coloring Pages, but first - teach kids about this animal. Use this lesson in your classroom, homeschooling curriculum or just as a fun kids activity that you as a parent can do with your child...

Fun Lesson Activity about The Black Bear

Objective: An art project for the students.

Materials: a picture of a bush for each student, small berry stickers, a picture of a bear.

Instructions: The black bear is quite different than the grizzly bear because it is mostly a vegetarian. It scavenges and eats wild berries and plants. Have the students color the picture of the bush and the black bear. Then have the students cut out these objects and paste them on a black piece of paper. Have the students put the bear near the bush as if it is looking for food. Then have the students put the berry stickers on the bush to illustrate the bush finding food on the bush. Hang the artwork in the room to display everyone’s work.

Black Bear Coloring Pages

Click Here For Coloring Page

Realistic Coloring Page

Click Here For Coloring Page

Realistic Coloring Page