Alligator Coloring Pages

Below you will find Alligator Coloring Pages, but first - teach kids about this animal. Use this lesson in your classroom, homeschooling curriculum or just as a fun kids activity that you as a parent can do with your child...

Fun Lesson Activity about The Alligator

Objective: This exercise is to illustrate the strength of an Alligator’s jaw-closing muscles and the weakness of its jaw-opening muscles

Materials: A picture of an alligator, rubber bands

Instructions: Show the picture of the alligator to students and say that alligators are incredibly dangerous animals. Their jaws are so strong that if they bite your leg, they can crush the bone instantly because their jaw is so strong. Ask the students how they would go about immobilizing an alligator if they were attacked. Bring a student in front of the class and have the put their hands out in front of them. Now have the student but the one hand on top of the other to simulate an alligator’s mouth. Then take 3-4 rubber bands and wrap them around the outstretched hands. Then ask the student to try and open their hands with their arms outstretched. It should be quite difficult. Explain to students that, while alligators can bite with incredible force, their muscles for opening are very weak and a human can actually hold the mouth shut with just one hand. Tell the students if an alligator ever attacks them, they just need to get the mouth closed and holding it closed won’t be a problem.

Alligator Coloring Pages

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