Burrowing Owl Coloring Pages

Below you will find Burrowing Owl Coloring Pages, but first - teach kids about this animal. Use this lesson in your classroom, homeschooling curriculum or just as a fun kids activity that you as a parent can do with your child...

Fun Lesson Activity about The Burrowing Owl

Burrowing owls may be easy to miss due to their small size, but they live in many parts of North and South America. They prefer open areas with low ground plants and make their home in small borrows created by other animals. They will eat a variety of animals including mice, insects, and small reptiles. Unlike other owls burrowing owls are active throughout the day, especially in the spring when they gather food. Play a fun game with students while practicing spelling words. Create a chart with two rows and 5 columns. Randomly chose 4 boxes and place a picture of a burrowing owl in them. Cover all of the boxes with small square pieces of paper or material that can be easily removed. Then ask students to spell a word. If they successfully spell the word they can pick a box to remove a square from to try an owls. Once all of the owls are found the game is over.

Burrowing Owl Coloring Pages

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Realistic Coloring Page

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Realistic Coloring Page