This activity is a simple and fun way for the children to learn some basic facts about tuis. First, give each child a black and white map of the world. Also, give them some markers, and then, tell them to color in New Zealand, which is where tuis are from. Next, give all of the [...]
Sunfish Coloring Pages
This activity is a great way for all of the children to interact and work with one another to create a large picture and learn some fun facts about sunfish. First, lay out a large sheet of paper on the floor. Give all of the children a handful of markers. Draw a large outline of [...]
Perch Coloring Pages
This activity is a great way for all of the kids to learn a few facts about perches while also doing a fun craft. First, give each child a sheet of construction paper and sheets of rough textured paper. Tell them to draw and cut out scale shapes from the rough textured paper. Also, have [...]
Kestrel Coloring Pages
This trivia game is a great and fun way for the kids to learn about kestrels. First, set up the trivia game. Research simple facts about kestrels for the kids. Then, write several questions on cards and the answers to them on the back of the cards. For example, “Where do kestrels live?” Or “Give [...]
Jay Coloring Pages
To make a blue jay bird, first, give each child a piece of blue felt. Show them how to cut out the shapes for a blue jay, including the head, body, beak, and wings. Give them glue, and have them carefully glue on the wings, eyes, and beak of their blue jay bird. Then, give [...]
Emperor Penguin Coloring Pages
To make an emperor penguin, first, glue together a styrofoam sphere to a styrofoam oval. This will be the emperor penguin’s body. Make enough for each child to have their own emperor penguin. Next, give each child a body and a handful of black and white feathers. Show the children pictures of what emperor penguins [...]
Dugong Coloring Pages
To make a dugong, first, give each child a piece of gray felt. Show them how to cut out the shapes for a dugong, including the head, body, tail, and fins. Give them glue, and have them carefully glue on the parts of their dugong. Then, give every child a sheet of construction paper and [...]
Cuckoo Coloring Pages
This is a great interactive game for all of the kids to learn about cuckoo birds. First, tell all of the children that they are going to pretend to be cuckoo birds. On separate sheets of paper, write “Europe,” “Africa,” “Asia,” “Australia,” and “Africa.” Tape each sheet of paper around the room. Tell all of [...]
Mao Coloring Pages
Time for mao trivia! Research easy and fun facts about maos for children. Based on the facts, write questions along with their answers on cards. For example, “Are maos more active during the day or the night?” or “What predators does a mao have?” You will be the host of the trivia game show. Divide [...]
Ladybird Spider Coloring Pages
This activity is a great way to teach kids a few facts about ladybird spiders. First, give each child his or her own pencil and a white sheet of construction paper. Then, show all of the children, step-by-step, how to draw a ladybird spider. Start with the body, then the head, and finally, the eight [...]