Musk Ox Coloring Pages

Below you will find Musk Ox Coloring Pages, but first - teach kids about this animal. Use this lesson in your classroom, homeschooling curriculum or just as a fun kids activity that you as a parent can do with your child...

Fun Lesson Activity about The Musk Ox

First before coloring ask students how they stay warm during the winter. They may wear coats, gloves, or hats. How do animals learn how to stay warm in cold weather? Musk oxen live in the Arctic tundra, but their long thick hair helps them stay warm. The longer hair covers a shorter undercoat that provides extra warmth. They are also very large ox and are able to store extra fats during the cold season. They eat a variety of plants including moss, roots, and lichen. They use their hooves to dig through the snow to find their food. This food also plays an important part in keeping them warm because it provides energy.

Musk Ox Coloring Pages

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Realistic Coloring Page

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Realistic Coloring Page