Harp Seal Coloring Pages

Below you will find Harp Seal Coloring Pages, but first - teach kids about this animal. Use this lesson in your classroom, homeschooling curriculum or just as a fun kids activity that you as a parent can do with your child...

Fun Lesson Activity about The Harp Seal

To make a harp seal stuffed animal, first, give each child a white sock, cotton, and a rubber band. Ask them to stuff the cotton inside their white sock and then, tie the sock secured at the end using the rubber band. Next, give each child pieces of white felt, googly eyes, and a black cotton ball. Using the white felt, have them draw and cut out fins and a tail for their harp seal. After, tell them to glue the fins, tail, and eyes onto the sock in the appropriate places. Also, tell them to glue the black cotton ball, which is the seal’s nose, below the eyes. Cut out short pieces of yarn and give some to each child to glue on as whiskers. Once each child has finished making their harp seal stuffed animal, ask them questions about their harp seal. For example, “How deep do you think your harp seal can dive in the ocean?” Or “Do you think your harp seal likes to swim in cold or warm waters?” Hear what the children have to say and then, tell them the correct answers so they can compare.

Harp Seal Coloring Pages

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Realistic Coloring Page

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Realistic Coloring Page