Below you will find Earthworm Coloring Pages, but first - teach kids about this animal. Use this lesson in your classroom, homeschooling curriculum or just as a fun kids activity that you as a parent can do with your child...
Fun Lesson Activity about The Earthworm
This is a great game to teach kids about earthworms in a fun and interactive way. First, go outside and set up an obstacle course for all of the children. Make obstacles that will teach the children about earthworms. For example, make an area where the children have to stop and dig a hole. Or make an area where they have to stop and color in hearts to represent that earthworms can have more than one heart. Divide all of the children into two teams. Before the game begins, share some basic facts about earthworms with the children, including the ones they will learn about as they make their way through the obstacle course. Additional example facts are earthworms have no ears and no eyes, worms can’t be in the light for too long or they will die, and worms are able to breathe through the skin on their body. Have one child from each team go through the course at a time. Tell them to crawl through the obstacle course and then, crawl backwards on their way back. This will demonstrate that earthworms can crawl forward and backward.